Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Blog Bible Readings (Page 11)

Join us on the great journey of reading through the Bible in one year.  Each day you will find the daily readings along with questions to guide your time in God’s Word.  In addition there will be a daily journaling prompt, and if you scroll down to the bottom, you will find the answers to the questions! May the Holy Spirit encourage you!!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Today we reflect on God as Maker. Sunday 10-Nov-19 Reflect on God as Maker Yesterday, in Ezekiel 20, we saw how important the Sabbath is to God. He said it was a sign and His covenant with His people. I hope you (and me) will set aside this day to seek Him, to listen for His voice, to demonstrate our commitment to…

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Saturday 9-Nov-19 Ezekiel 19-22; Ps 126-127 Ezekiel 19: How did Ezekiel use the image of a vine to sketch a “before and after” picture of Judah in these verses? Ezekiel 20: What did the elders want from Ezekiel.  What did the lord give the Israelites as a sign that He sanctifies them?  What was Ezekiel’s sigh to God? Ezekiel 21: What do…

Friday, November 8, 2019

Friday 8-Nov-19 Ezekiel 15-18 Ezekiel 15: To what is Israel compared? Ezekiel 16: To what is Israel compared? Who would become the daughters of Jerusalem? Ezekiel 17:  What does God ask Ezekiel to ‘propound’ (also put forth, tell, pose) to the house of Israel?  What do the eagles and the trees represent? Ezekiel 18: What does this chapter reveal about the sins…

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thursday 7-Nov-19 Ezekiel 11-14; Ps 124-125 Ezekiel 11: What happened while Ezekiel was prophesying? What does God promise? Ezekiel 12: What object lesson die the Lord command Ezekiel to do? What did it represent? Ezekiel 13: To what does God compare the false prophets? Ezekiel: 14: Who deceives the false prophets?  Which three great men of God does the Lord mention and…

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wednesday 6-Nov-19 Ezekiel 7-10 Ezekiel 7: What is Ezekiel prophesying and to whom? (This may sound familiar!) Ezekiel 8: Where was Ezekiel and with whom?  What was different about this chapter and the previous 6? What did Ezekiel see? Ezekiel 9: What happened next in Ezekiel’s vision? Ezekiel 10: What did Ezekiel see? Answers: Ezekiel 7:  Ezekiel is prophesying God’s word about…

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tuesday 5-Nov-19 Ezekiel 3-6;  Ps 122-123 Ezekiel 3: What is frustrating about God’s mission for Ezekiel? As a ‘watchman’ what were Ezekiel’s responsibilities and the consequences?  What further instructions was he given (v. 22-26) Ezekiel 4: What was the next object lesson that Ezekiel was to perform? Why did Ezekiel ask God to change His command? Ezekiel 5: What was Ezekiel’s next…

Monday, November 4, 2019

Monday 4-Nov-19 Lamentations 4-5; Ezekiel 1-2 Lamentations 4: Who else would suffer punishment from the Lord? Lamentations 5: What does the prophet ask of the Lord?  Ezekiel 1: In what year did Ezekiel experience this vision and what did he see? Ezekiel 2: What were the first instructions given to Ezekiel? As a ‘watchman’ what were Ezekiel’s responsibilities and the consequences?  What…

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sunday 3-Nov-19 Reflect on God as Beginning Lamentations 1-3 Congratulations to all who have stuck with the readings and completed the New Testament!!  Beginning today, we will read through Jeremiah’s Lamentations, the major prophets Ezekiel and Daniel, and then the remaining minor prophets!  These readings can be challenging in that they are disassociated from the events that were ocurring at the time. …

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Saturday 2-Nov-19 Jer 51-52; Ps 120-121; Rev 22 Jeremiah 51: What nation was to come up against Babylon? Why is judgment coming upon Babylon? Who was to pronounce this prophecy to the Babylonians? Jeremiah 52: How long was Jerusalem under seige from the Babylonians?What did Nebuzaradan do to the house of the Lord? What happened to Seraiah?  How many people were taken…

Friday, November 1, 2019

Friday 1-Nov-19 Jer 49-50; Rev 21 Jeremiah 49: What is prophesied as the final outcome for the Ammonites and the Edomites? Jeremiah 50: What is prophesied about God’s people? What is prophesied for Babylon?  Revelation 21:  What metaphor is used to describe the new Jerusalem?  What is written about the Temple in the new Jerusalem? Journal Prompt: Consider the new Jerusalem. Write…