Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Tuesday 26-Feb Numbers 10-12; Ps 25; Luke 2

Numbers 10:  What were the silver trumpets for?

Numbers 11:  Why did Moses complain to God and what was the result?

Numbers 12: Why did Miriam and Aaron go against Moses and what happened?

Luke 2:  Why did they go to the Temple and what was the time of purification and how much time had likely passed since Jesus’ birth?  (v. 22-24)  Does it sound familiar?  Where did Jesus grow up?

Journal Prompt: After reading Numbers 11 and 12, how do you feel about complaining to God?


Numbers 10:  The silver trumpets were used to summon the Jews – two times to summon the entire congregation, one time to summon the chief priests and leaders.  It also was a signal to get ready to pack up their camp and move and to signify the feasts and festivals.

Numbers 11:  Moses told God that he could no longer bear the burdens for the people who were begging for meat and Moses asked God to kill him.  God said he would pour His Spirit out on 70 elders who could help Moses to bear his burden.  Then God sent an inordinate amount of quail and then a plague which killed.

Numbers 12:  Miriam and Aaron spoke out against Moses because of the Cushite woman he had married.  Because of this Miriam became leprous.

Luke 2:  They went to the Temple because Jewish law required that a woman present an offering after giving birth. We read this two weeks ago in Leviticus 12!  7 days plus 33 days.  Jesus grew up in Nazareth.(v. 39-40)


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