Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thursday 31-Oct-19 Jer 47-48; Ps 119:169-176; Rev 20

Have you noticed anything unusual about the book of Jeremiah?  Well, I find it’s a bit hard to follow – and that’s because it’s not written chronologically.  If we look at it from a chronological perspective, the order of the books would be as follows.  
Jeremiah 46-49
Jeremiah 1-20
Jeremiah 46-49
Jeremiah 21-45
Jeremiah 52
Jeremiah  50 & 51.
Jeremiah 47: When will Babylon rest?

Today’s readings:

Jeremiah 48: What caused Moab to fall?

Revelation 20: Who will reign with Christ during the 1,000 years.


Jeremiah 47: Babylon will not stop until God stops them.

Jeremiah 48: Moab’s exceeding pride and arrogance toward the Lord was their downfall.

Revelation 20: The people who have been martyred because of their faith and who did not bear the mark of the beast will reign with Christ during the 1,000 year period.

627 BC The Call of Jeremiah Jeremiah 1
627 BC Jeremiah Declares Judah Forsakes God Jeremiah 2 – 6
627 BC Jeremiah’s Message at the Temple Gate Jeremiah 7 – 10
622 BC Jeremiah Proclaims God’s Covenant Jeremiah 11, 12
609 BC Jeremiah Proclaims Covenant Is Broken Jeremiah 13 – 20
609 BC Jeremiah Prophesies against Egypt Jeremiah 46
609 BC Jeremiah Prophesies against Philistia Jeremiah 47
594 BC Jeremiah Prophesies against Moab Jeremiah 48
594 BC Jeremiah Prophesies against Ammon Jeremiah 49
588 BC Jeremiah’s Conflicts Jeremiah 21 – 33
588 BC Jeremiah Prophesies Judgment on Judah Jeremiah 34 – 45
586 BC The Fall of Jerusalem 2 Kings 25,
Jeremiah 52
586 BC Jeremiah Prophesies against Babylon Jeremiah 50, 51


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