Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Posts from April 2019 (Page 2)

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Weds 17-April Judges 16-18; Eccl 8-1-9; John 21 Judges 16: Who was Delilah? How did she trap Samson?  How did Samson die? Judges 17: Who was Micah and what did you learn about his character? Judges 18: What were the spies from Dan on their way to do when they stopped at Micah’s house? Later, what did the men of Dan convince…

Monday, April 15, 2019

Monday 15-April Judges 10-12; Eccl 7:14-29; John 19 Judges 10:  How long did Israel follow God and then for how long did they turn away from God and worship other gods? Judges 11:  Who did the Israelites look to for leadership? What vow did Jephthah make to the Lord? Judges 12:  What caused tribes of Israel to fight against each other?  What…

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sunday 14-April Reflect on God as Love Enjoy this Sabbath day and Palm Sunday and make sure to program time in His presence.  In our newsletter, we featured a special list of readings for Holy Week thank to Mayra Chipi.  Here’s a link to our newsletter, you may want to follow the narrative of Jesus’ final week: His entry into Jerusalem, the…

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Saturday 13-Apr-19 Judges 7-9; Ps 45; John 18 Judges 7: How many soldiers did Gideon have under his command?  Why did he end up with only 300? What encouraged Gideon? Judges 8: What persecution did Gideon face from his fellow Israelites?  What did Gideon to the men in Succoth who refused to provide a meal for his soldiers? What did Gideon do…

Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday 12-April Judges 4-6; Eccl 7:1-13; John 17 Judges 4-5: Why did Deborah prophesy that Barak would not receive the glory for the victory over Jabin? Who was Jael and where was she from? Judges 6: What did the Israelites do after the death of Deborah?  What did the Midianites do to the Israelites?  What was Gideon doing when the angel of…

Thursday, April 10, 2019

Thursday 11-April Judges 1-3; Ps 44; John 16 Judges 1: Which people other than the Israelites remained in the conquered areas of Canaan? Why do you suppose that was? Judges 2: I guess we have the answer to the last question in verses 2-3.  After Joshua died, how long did it take for Israel to follow after other gods?  We have a…

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesday 10-April Joshua 23-24; Eccl 6:7-12; John 15 Joshua 23 and Joshua 24: What did Joshua remind the Israelites about in his final speech? What does this remind you of? How old was Joshua when he died and where was he buried? Who else’s death is noted here? John 15: What “I am” statement does Jesus make in this chapter?  What are…

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tuesday 9-April Joshua 21-22; Ps 43; John 14 Joshua 21:  What did the Levites receive in terms of places to settle? Joshua 22: What happened to the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh? John 14: Do you think Thomas believed that Jesus was God? What “I am“ statements does Jesus make in this chapter? What does He tell the disciples…

Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday 8-Apr-19 Joshua 19-20; Eccl 6:1-6; John 13 Joshua 19-20: Where was Simeon’s allotment and why? Did Joshua receive an allotment? What were the cities of refuge? John 13: According to verse 3, what did Jesus know? What do we read about the evil one in this chapter? Journal Prompt:  Why do you suppose that Jesus waited until this moment to share…

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Take time today to rest in God’s presence and to reflect on God as the Lion and the Lamb. Sunday 7-April Reflect on God as Lion and Lamb Monday 8-April Joshua 19-20 Eccl 6:1-6 John 13 Tuesday 9-April Joshua 21-22 Ps 43 John 14 Wednesday 10-April Joshua 23-24; Eccl 6:7-12; John 15 Thursday 11-April Judges 1-3; Ps 44; John 16 Friday 12-April…