Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Posts from April 2019

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tuesday 30-Apr-19 1 Sam 22-24; Ps 52; Acts 11 1 Sam 22: What men did David lead? What happened to Ahimlech and why? 1 Samuel 23:  How did David escape from Saul at Keilah?  1 Samuel 24: What did David NOT do when he had the chance and why not?  What assurance does God give David through the words of his enemy…

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Here are our weekly readings for the week. As you seek the Lord in His word, reflect on His strength. Sunday 28-April Reflect on God as Strength Monday 29-April 1Sam 19-21; Eccl 10:12-20; Acts 10 Tuesday 30-April 1Sam 22-24; Ps 52; Acts 11 Wednesday 1-May 1Sam 25-27; Eccl 11:1-5; Acts 12 Thursday 2-May 1Sam 28-29; Ps 53; Acts 13 Friday 3-May 2Sam…

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Saturday 27 April 1 Sam 16-18; Ps 51; Acts 9 1 Samuel 16: Who was Jesse? What service did David render to Saul? 1 Samuel 17: What reward did Saul offer for defeating Goliath? Consider David’s confidence in the Lord – how did David feel he had prepared for this situation? How did he kill Goliath? 1 Samuel 18: What did Jonathon…

Friday, April 26, 2019

Friday 26 April 1 Sam 13-15; Eccl 10:1-11; Acts 8 1 Samuel 13: How old was Saul when he became king and how long did he rule?  What did Saul do to displease God? Why? What did Samuel say was the consequence?  Who in the Israelite army had weapons? 1 Samuel 14: What did Jonathon do that almost cost him his life? …

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Thursday 25 April 1 Sam 10-12; Ps 50; Acts 7 1 Samuel 10:  Was Saul a willing candidate to be king? 1 Samuel 11: What happened between the Ammonites and the Israelites at Jabesh-Gilead  What would be your character study of Saul at this point? 1 Samuel 12: What is Samuel’s farewell speech all about?  Do you see a pattern here? Acts…

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wednesday 24 April 1 Sam 7-9; Eccl 9:11-18; Acts 6 1 Sam 7: What did Samuel warn the people about?  How did the Israelites manage to defeat the Philistines? 1 Samuel 8:  How do you see similarities in Samuel and his predecessor Eli?  What did the people want and what was the Lord’s response? What did Samuel say was wrong with seeking…

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Tuesday 23 April 1 Sam 4-6; Ps 49; Acts 5 1 Samuel 4:  What happened when they fought against the Philistines?  What became of Eli, Hophni and Phineas? 1 Samuel 5: What did the Philistines do with the ark?  What happened to the Philistines while the ark was in their possession? 1 Samuel 6: How did the Philistines ‘test’ God when they…

Monday, April 22, 2019

Monday 22 April 1 Sam 1-3; Eccl 9:1-10; Acts 4 Good morning, my Easter people! I am praying for you! Today we begin the book of 1st Samuel and the history of the Kings of Israel.  You might find it helpful to watch the Bible Project overview of 1st and 2nd Samuel.  1 Samuel 1 & 2:  What did Hannah ask of…

Friday, April 19, 2019

Friday 19-April Ruth 1-2; Eccl 8:10-17; Acts 2 Ruth 1:Where did Naomi and her husband and children come from and where did they go and why?  Ruth 2: What was their plan to provide for their needs? Did Boaz know anything about Ruth? Did their plan work? Acts 2: Who gathered around the disciples and why? Who addressed the crowd? How many…

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thursday 18-April Judges 19-21; Psalm 47; Acts 1 Judges 19: This is one of the most difficult chapters to understand – it is so horrific.  What other Biblical story does this remind you of? Judges 20: Why did the Levite send the body parts of his concubine to each tribe? Why did all of the soldiers go to Bethel and weep? Who…