Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wednesday 29-May 1 Kings 21-22; Job 9; Rom 8

1 Kings 21:  Why did Jezebel have Nahab killed?

1 Kings 22:  What did you find interesting about the prophets in this chapter?  How did Ahab die?

Romans 8: What sets us free from the law?

Journal Prompt:  Reflect on the final verse of Romans 8. 


1 Kings 21:  The King of Israel, Ahab, wanted Nahab’s vineyard, because it was close to his house, but Nahab didn’t want to give up his inheritance.  When Ahab was sulking, Jezebel took matters into her own hands and had false claims brought up against him and then ordered that he be stoned.

1 Kings 22: It was interesting that 400 prophets were in accord that they should attack, but Jehoshaphat asked for another prophet who told them not to attack, yet  Jehoshaphat went ahead and went to battle.  Ahab wanted to retake a city that belonged to him and he asked Jehoshophat, king of Judah to go to fight the Syrians.  He dressed as a regular soldier and was killed during combat by a random arrow.

Romans 8:  The law of the Spirit sets us free from the Law.


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