Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Genesis 35-37; Psalm 12; Mark 14

Genesis 35: Do you notice anything unusual in this chapter?  How did Rachel die and where was she buried?  What did Jacob/Israel go?

Genesis 36: Where did Esau settle?

Genesis 37: Why did Joseph’s brothers hate him?  What did they plot to do, and were all the brothers in on it?

Mark 14: How did the disciples know where to go and find a place for the Passover dinner?  How many times did Jesus find his disciples sleeping after he asked them to keep watch?  How many times did Peter deny Christ and how many times did the rooster crow?

Journal Prompt: The disciples were unable to stay awake as Jesus had commanded?  How do you ‘fall asleep’ when Jesus asks you to be alert?


Genesis 35: In this chapter, the narrative changes the name of Jacob to Israel beginning in verse 21. (We had previously read in chapter 28 that God had told Jacob he would be named Israel, but he continued to be referred to as Jacob.

Rachel died while giving birth to Benjamin. Jacob buried her at Bethlehem.  Jacob then went back to his father, Isaac who died of old age – 180 years old – he was living by Hebron and was buried by Jacob and Esau.

Genesis 36: Esau settled in Seir which is the land south of the Dead Sea.  Petra (where they filmed the Raiders of the Lost Ark) is in the area that was Seir which came to be known as Edom.

Genesis 37: Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob – remember, the technicolor coat?  So, they were jealous and in addition, Joseph told them he had a dream where they were all his subjects.   They plotted to kill him.  His brother, Reuben, tried to save him.  And he did have one other younger brother, Benjamin, who was apparently still very young.  The brothers didn’t kill him, but they sold him to Ishmaelite slave traders.

Mark 14:  Jesus instructed the disciples they would find a man carrying a jug and they were to follow him.  He would lead them to an upper room.Three times Jesus asked the disciples to stay awake and they fell asleep three d=times.  Peter denied Christ 3 times and the rooster crowed two times.


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