Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Wednesday, February 5:  Exodus 10-12; Ephesians 2

Exodus 10: What changed about the Pharaoh’s attitude after the plague of the hail? What about after the plague of darkness?

Exodus 11: How many plagues were there in total?  What instructions were given to Moses in verse 2?

Exodus 12: What reasons does Paul give for why God has now “made us alive with Christ?

Journal Prompt: After reading Ephesians 2:1-10; how does Paul (and how do you) define grace?


Ephesians 2:  What reasons does Paul give for why God has now “made us alive with Christ?”

Exodus 10:  The Pharaoh said he would allow the men (only) to leave to worship the Lord in the wilderness.  After the plague of darkness, Pharaoh said all of the people could leave to worship the Lord, but they couldn’t take their livestock.

Exodus 11: There were ten plagues in total.  God told Moses to tell the Israelites to ask their Egyptian neighbors for articles of silver and gold. What prompted the Israelites to leave? What did Pharaoh ask them?

Exodus 12:   God commanded Moses and the Israelites to: 1) Sacrifice a year-old lamb or goat without defect 2) Spread the blood on the doorposts and lintel. 3) Eat the roasted meat – all of it (if any is left over they are to burn it.) 4) East the passover meal with their cloak on and tucked in their belt, as well as with their sandals on and their staff in hand.  Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron during the night and told them to go and worship the Lord. Pharaoh asked them to bless him.

Ephesians 2: 1)Because of his great love for us 2)Because God is rich in mercy 3)Because He wants to show the incomparable riches of his grace 4) because He expresses kindness


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