Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wednesday, April 8 Judges 1-3; Psalm 16; Luke 20

It’s hard to believe we are beginning the book of Judges!

Judges 1: Which tribe stepped into the military leadership role and why? Were they successful? Who was unsuccessful in driving out the Canaanites.

Judges 2:How long di it take for the Israelites to turn from the Lord?

Judges 3: Who was the first judge that the Lord ‘raised’ to lead the Israelites?  (Note that Judges 2:6-23 is a sort of summary of what is to come throughout this book.)

Luke 20: Who sent spies to try to trap Jesus?  What does Jesus say about marriage in heaven?

Journal Prompt: God’s commandment: Deuteronomy 6:5-9 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. Take to heart these words that I give you today. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you’re at home or away, when you lie down or get up.” This was repeated various times. In light of Judges 2:10, this obviously was not successful. Write about what you have done or what you could do to share the gospel with your children or others.

Judges 1:  The Israelites asked the Lord who should be the first to fight against the Canaanites and the Lord said that it should be the tribe of Judah.  They recruited the help of the Simeonites and they were successful.  The tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh, Benjamin, Asher, Naphtali, Zebulun and Dan were unable to drive out the Canaanites completely.

Judges 2: The second generation turned away from God and began to worship foreign idols.  (v. 10-12). 

Judges 3:  Who was the first ‘main’ judge that God raised up (We saw that there

Luke 20:  The chief priests and the teachers of the law sent spies to ‘appear sincere’ yet try to trap Jesus in saying something that would incriminate him in the eyes of the Romans.  Jesus said that there would be no marriage in heaven. (v. 34-36)


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