Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wednesday 24 April 1 Sam 7-9; Eccl 9:11-18; Acts 6

1 Sam 7: What did Samuel warn the people about?  How did the Israelites manage to defeat the Philistines?

1 Samuel 8:  How do you see similarities in Samuel and his predecessor Eli?  What did the people want and what was the Lord’s response? What did Samuel say was wrong with seeking a king?

1 Samuel 9:  Was Saul seeking to be a king?

Acts 6: According to verse 7 who was coming to faith in Jesus? Why was Stephen seized and brought in front of the Council?

Journal Prompt:  When has God fought a battle for you and required nothing of you but trust and obedience?


1 Sam 7: Samuel warned the people that if they repented, stopped worshiping foreign gods and served the Lord, the Lord would deliver them from the Philistines.  The Israelites actually didn’t defeat the Philistines – God did.  He thundered so loud the Philistines were thrown into confusion so the Israelites were able to drive them back.

1 Samuel 8:  BothSamuel and his predecessor Eli had sons who were also priests but did not walk with the Lord and were corrupt.  The Israelites wanted a king, and although this was really not God’s will, he told Samuel to grant their request.  Samuel warned them that a king would be oppressive – he would put their sons and daughters to work for them, he would tax them and he would take the best of their lands and give them to his servants.

1 Samuel 9: Saul was looking for his father’s lost donkeys.  He went to see Samuel (it’s interested Samuel who was the judge of Israel is called a ‘seer’)  It doesn’t seem that Saul had a clue of what was going on.  When Samuel alluded to the fact

Acts 6: “The number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith.

 Stephen was doing great signs and wonders among the people”, and “But they could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking.” This was a threat to them, so they took matters into their own hands, stirred up the chief priests and elders, hired false witnesses and they brought Stephen before the Council.


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