Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tuesday 22-Oct-19 Jeremiah 31-32; Ps 119:137-144; Revelation 12

Jeremiah 31: This was Sunday’s Old Testament reading in church!  What does God promise?

Jeremiah 32: Where was Jeremiah and what did the Lord command him to do?  What is unusual about this transaction? What was the object lesson?

Revelation 12: Who is the woman with the twelve stars?  Who is the fiery red dragon?  Who is the child born to the woman?

Journal Prompt: In Jeremiah 31, God promises many things.  What promise speaks to your heart today and why?


Jeremiah 31: God promises the return of the captives to Israel and He promises to make a new covenant with them.

Jeremiah 32: Jeremiah was in the court of the prison in the king’s house.  The Lord commanded him to buy a field from his cousin which he did.  This request was unusual because the land wasn’t worth anything as the city was under siege by the Babylonians. The object lesson was that the deed to the land was to be put in earthenware jars for a long time, indicating that in the future, this land would once again belong to Jeremiah and his family and would have value.

Revelation 12: The woman is Israel, the dragon is the devil and the child is Jesus.


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