Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tuesday, February 25: Leviticus 15-18; Psalm 31; Hebrews 6

Leviticus 15: Could a man touch a woman during her menstrual cycle? How long would the woman be ‘impure’? Leviticus 16: Where was the blood of the sacrifice sprinkled?  What did the two goats represent?:

Leviticus 17: Where did the Lord command the sacrifices to take place?

Leviticus 18: Why were the laws of unlawful sexual relations necessary?

Hebrews 6: What did the writer of Hebrews exhort the people to do?

Journal Prompt:  What story do you recall from the New Testament about a woman with a heavy blood flow?

Leviticus 15: A man could not touch a woman during her menstrual cycle.  A woman would basically be impure for two weeks and then she was to offer a sacrifice.  I find this interesting, because it seems she would spend two weeks of every month separated from her husband.  Jesus healed the woman with the blood flow in Matt. 9:20–22; Mark 5:25–34; Luke 8:43–48

Leviticus 16: The blood of the atonement sacrifice was sprinkled on the mercy seat (all other blood was sprinkled on the altar). The sacrifice goat represents Jesus and the scapegoat represents us, the sinner, set free under grace.

Leviticus 17: All animals offered as sacrifices had to be taken to the entrance of the tent of meeting. 

Leviticus 18: The laws about unlawful sexual relations were necessary because God commanded that so that His people could be pure and in relation with him.  Verses 27-29 explain what happens to people or nations who do not keep in line with God’s commands.

Hebrews 6:  He exhorts people to be diligent to the end in doing the things God’s Spirit dictates so they may have full assurance of salvation (vs. 11).


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