Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Tues 21-Feb John 6 Exodus 28-30

John 6: Finish this statement that Jesus made: I am the ___________ __ ______. What is he referencing here – consider verse 37? (see v.What does Jesus promise in verse 37?

Exodus 28 what should be engraved on the two stones that go on the shoulders Aaron? What name is given to the front part of the ephod? (verse 29)

Exodus 29: what is the purpose of sprinkling the blood on the altar and on the clothes of the priests?

Exodus 30: what was the purpose of the tax taken at the time of the census? Why was the basin so important? What would happen if someone tried to make the holy annointing oil to use for any purpose other than annointing?


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