Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thursday 17-Oct-19 Jeremiah 23-24; Ps 119:121-128; Rev 8

Jeremiah 23: Who specifically is the Lord condemning in this chapter?

Jeremiah 24: What did the two baskets of figs represent?

Revelation 8:  How many angels were there?  What did the seven trumpets represent?

Journal Prompt: Consider the prayers of the saints that are so important to God a special angel presents them before God.  Do you feel as if your prayers are equally valuable? Why or why not?

Jeremiah 23:  The Lord is condemning the pastors, the priests and the prophets, because rather than shepherd the people, they were leading them astray.

Jeremiah 24:  The basket of good figs represented the exiles from Judah who God sent to Babylon.  The basket of bad figs represented Zedekiah king of Judah, his officials and the survivors from Jerusalem.

Revelation 8:  There were seven angels who were given the  seven trumpets and another angel who held the censer filled with incense and the prayers of the saints.  When the trumpets were blown, God’s wrath was released.


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