Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thursday 28- March Joshua 1-2; Ps 38; John 4

Joshua 1: What parallels do you see between Deuteronomy 31 and Joshua 1?

Joshua 2: What do you learn about Rahab from this chapter?

John 4: What do you learn about the woman at the well from this chapter? What was surprising about the official from Capernaum?

Journal Prompt: What do Rahab and the woman at the well have in common?  What do they have in common with you?


Joshua 1:  The same encouragement is given repeatedly in both Deuteronomy 31 and Joshua 1Be strong and courageous and know that I am God. (3 times in verses 1-9)

Joshua 2: Rahab believed that the God of the Israelites was powerful because she had heard stories of the miracles He had performed on their behalf.  (The parting of the Red Sea,and  the defeat of Amorite kings Sihon and Og)  So she hid the men and arranged for their escape and she also gave them advice to hide out in the hills for three days. 

John 4:  The woman at the well was bold and curious.  We know she was a Samaritan and therefore looked down upon by the Jews, yet she questioned Jesus to find out more about why He would talk to her, and then she continued by asking Him more questions.  She realized that He knew things about her (she had five husbands, but was now living with a man who was not her husband).  When He told her He was the Messiah, she went back and spoke of Him to people in her village.

The official from Capernaum believed Jesus without seeing the miracle of healing for his son.  After the miracle took place, not only he believed, but also his household.


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