Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Thursday, April 10, 2019

Thursday 11-April Judges 1-3; Ps 44; John 16

Judges 1: Which people other than the Israelites remained in the conquered areas of Canaan? Why do you suppose that was?

Judges 2: I guess we have the answer to the last question in verses 2-3.  After Joshua died, how long did it take for Israel to follow after other gods?  We have a synopsis of the period of the judges. What pattern do you see in this?

Judges 3: Who were the first three judges? (Interesting detail is provided in verses 20-25!)

John 16: Why does Jesus say it is to the disciples’ advantage that He goes away? What is the role of the Holy Spirit according to this chapter?

Journal Prompt: How do you rely on the Holy Spirit – on a practical level?


Judges 1: The descendants of Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law ” from the city of palms into the wilderness of Judah, which lies in the Negeb near Arad, and they went and settled with the people.” in Canaan.   Judah couldn’t drive the people out from the plain because they had chariots of iron.  The Jebusites remained in Jerusalem.  The other tribes were unable to drive out certain Canaanites.  Some were used for hard labor. 

Judges 2:  After Joshua died – and the entire generation, the next generation turned to other gods.  God provided judges as leaders and the Israelites were saved from their enemies, but when the judge died, the Israelites followed after other gods.

Judges 3: The first three judges were Otniel (Caleb’s son-in-law), Ehud and Shagmar.

John 16: Jesus tells the disciples that He must go away for them to receive the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is “the Helper”, (v. 7) The Holy Spirit “will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment” (v. 8) The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and He will guide the disciples of Jesus into all truth and by taking what is from Jesus’ and declaring it to them, He will glorify Jesus.


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