Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Week Four

Sunday, January 26:  Genesis 41-42; Mark 16
Monday, January 27: Genesis 43-44; Psalm 24; Galatians 1
Tuesday, January 28: Genesis 45-46; Psalm 108; Gal 2
Wednesday, January 29: Genesis 47-48; Psalm 25; Gal 3
Thursday, January 30: Genesis 49-50; Galatians 4

Today we finish the book of Mark – most Bibles note that the earliest manuscripts of Mark end at verse 8.  The commentariats believe that the verses from 8-16 may have been added at a later date.

Genesis 41: How many years was Jacob in prison? Who suggested that Joseph could interpret the dreams of the Pharaoh?  What was Joseph’s response when asked to interpret the Pharaoh’s dreams?  What position was Joseph given? What else did Joseph receive?

Genesis 42:Why didn’t Benjamin go with his brothers to Egypt to get grain during the famine? What did Joseph accuse his brothers of? What was Joseph’s plan for getting to see Benjamin? Was Jacob willing to send Benjamin to Egypt?

Mark 16: What specifically did the young man in the tomb tell the two Marys?   What did they do?

Journal Prompt:  Consider the ending of the book of Mark.  (The oldest manuscripts don’t include verses 9-20.) Why do you supposed it was ended in the way it was?


Genesis 41: It seems Joseph was in prison many years: at least two years after he interpreted the dreams for the cupbearer and the baker.  It was the cupbearer who suggested that Joseph could interpret the Pharaoh’s dreams – he finally remembered him.  Joseph said he couldn’t do it, but God could.  Joseph was put in charge of all of the land in Egypt – he was second in command to Pharaoh. (v. 41-44). Joseph also received the Pharaoh’s own signet ring, robes of fine linen, gold chains and a wife, Asenath who bore him two children. (vs 42,45,50)

Genesis 42: Benjamin didn’t go with his brothers to Egypt to get grain during the famine, because Jacob, his father, was afraid he might be harmed – trust issues? 

At first Joseph wanted to keep all the brothers’ except one, imprisoned, but then he changed his mind and just kept one brother imprisoned and allowed the rest to return to Canaan to bring Benjamin back.

Jacob was not willing to send Benjamin to Egypt. Remember that Rachel was his favorite wife and she bore two children – Joseph, who was believed to be dead and Benjamin.  It seems like Jacob was particularly fond of Rachel’s sons.

Mark 16: The young man in the tomb told the two Marys to go and tell the disciples AND Peter.  I find it interesting that Peter was mentioned specifically.  However, they did not immediately go and tell them the news according to this gospel as they were afraid.


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