Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sunday, February 16: Exodus 32-34; Philippians 3

Monday, February 17: Exodus 35-37; Psalm 26; Phil 4

Tuesday, February 18: Exodus 38-40; Hebrews 1

Wednesday, February 19: Leviticus 1-3; Psalm 27; Heb 2

Thursday, February 20: Leviticus 4-7; Heb 3

Sunday, February 16   Exodus 32-34; Philippians 3

Exodus 32: How long was Moses on the mountaintop with the Lord?  What did the people do?  How did Aaron sin?

Exodus 33:  What did Moses ask of God in verses 12-18?

Exodus 34:  Who wrote the commandments on the new stone tablets?  What promise did God make and what did He require?

Philippians 3: What is worth more than any possible earthly benefit?

Journal Prompt: In Exodus 32 we read about how the Israelites chose disobedience rather than patience and trust. In Philippians 3, Paul talks about how we are to live, keeping our focus on godly people, as we wait for Christ. How difficult is it for you to wait with patience for God to act in your life?


Exodus 32: Moses was on the Mountaintop with the Lord for 40 days – and had been somewhere on the mountain previous to that for 6 days (24:15).  The people didn’t know what happened to Moses – since he had been gone for 40 plus days, so they asked Aaron to make an idol for them to worship.  Aaron asked them for their gold jewelry and he made a calf of the gold for them to worship.  Aaron sinned so greatly against the Lord. First he was not obedient, he broke the second and third commandments and then he lied blatantly to Moses about it saying he through the gold in the fire and the idols came out. (v. 4 and v. 24) To be honest, I don’t understand why the Lord didn’t punish him for this – there are so many verses about leading people astray.  

Exodus 33: In verses 12-18, Moses asked God: 1)Teach me Your ways. 2)Stay with me. 3)Show me Your glory.

Exodus 34: God himself wrote the commandments on the stone tablets (v. 1).  God promised to drive out the enemies from the Promised Land.  In return, He asked them to be obedient – to not make a treaty with the enemy, to not worship any other God, to not inter-marry with any of the enemy’s women, to celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Festival of Weeks and the Festival of Ingathering, to observe the Sabbath, to redeem the firstborn males and the firstborn sons and to not cook a lamb in its mother’s milk.

Philippians 3:  Knowing Christ and to be ‘found in Him’ far surpasses any earthly benefit or gain. (v. 7-9)


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