Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Sunday 29-Jan Matt 6; Genesis 22-24

I’m back! Sorry that last week was a bit hit or miss with the questions, but we had such limited internet service! I hope you are all keeping up with the daily readings. Feel free to post any comments or questions!

Matthew 6: What is the result when we forgive someone who has sinned against us? What similarities does Jesus teach about giving to the needy, praying and fasting?

Genesis 22: God asks Abraham to do the unthinkable and sacrifice his son (note verses 2 & 22). As they prepared the altar and the wood, what was Abraham’s answer when Isaac asked where the sacrificial lamb would come from? Who was Rebekah’s father.

Genesis 23: How old was Sarah when she died, where did Sarah die, and where was she buried?

Genesis 24: Why did Abraham’s servant go to find a wife for Isaac and why? What facilitated this process?

Two ‘bonus’ questions: Who was Abraham’s servant? How much water do you think Rebekah drew from the well?


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