Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Sermons from February 2021

What’s In A Name?

Abraham never imagined people would be talking about him and preaching about him three thousand years later, but here we are doing just that. Likewise, who knows what long term effects you and I can have by simple acts of faith in God’s promises.

God Never Gives Up On Us

The story of the flood is one that makes us all uncomfortable. God was devastated and disappointed with the total disobedience and depravity of the people on earth, and ‘it grieved Him to His heart’. (Genesis 6:6)  We all know the result. But what about now? Jesus died for our sins, but what happens when we disappoint God?

What’s Your Love Level Today?

On this Valentine’s Day Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Mark 9:2-13. The disciples accompany Jesus to the Mount of Transfiguration and have a true mountaintop experience. We, too, need transforming mountaintop experiences with Jesus as well as with our spouses, so that we can grow as Christians and as couples as we navigate the valleys of life.

W.hatever I.s N.ecessary

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from 1 Corinthians 9:19-24. Paul was willing to give up his personal preferences to win others for Christ. We  too are called to sacrifice our personal prerogatives in the interest of reaching other with the gospel.  Remember the acronym, W.I.N. (whatever is necessary) to win others for Christ who gave up everything for our salvation.