Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Sermons from February 2020

Spoiler Alert!

Pastor Bob delivered a sermon from Matthew 17: 1-13. Transfiguration Sunday launches us into Lent with a revelation of the true nature of who Jesus is as the second Moses who brings in a new covenant of grace rather than works.

The Mother of All Murderers

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Matthew 5:21-26 The sin of murder begins with the sin of unrighteous anger. We must learn to manage our anger lest it destroy us or others.

Are You Worth Your Salt?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon Matthew 5:13-16. Salt was and is valuable because it adds flavor and is a natural preservative. As followers of Jesus, we are called to not conform to the patterns of this world, but to be distinctive by adding spiritual flavor and moral preservation.

Be Happy Attitudes?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Matthew 5:1-12. Do you really know what it is to be blessed? And do you know what it means to be happy? From the Beatitudes, Jesus gives us a way to be blessed and happy that is counter-cultural and paradoxical.