Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Luke 9:51-62. Jesus wants disciples who consider Him their number one priority. If Jesus is not the most important priority in our life, then we are not really disciples.
Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Galatians 3:23-29 and the ‘fundamentals’ of Christianity. The Law is useful and should drive us into the arms of Jesus – His grace and mercy – where we are co-heirs of the kingdom for eternity. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slavenor free, there is no male and female, for you are all…
Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Acts 2:1-13. Pentecost shows us that one universal sign that we are filled with the Spirit, is that we have a desire to communicate the gospel to others. This desire is driven by a commitment to live for Christ no matter what, resulting in a life of compassion for others.
Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from John 17:20-26. In this passage we see our high Priest praying for us – for our unity and our impact upon the world because of that unity.