Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Sermons from October 2015

Pastor English speaking church Puerto Rico

Lessons from a Blind Man

Lessons from a Blind Man In Pastor Bob’s sermon, he discusses the blind man healed by Jesus.  Healing the blind were miracles that Jesus performed to point toward the spiritual blindness of the Pharisees and the Jewish people.  We,too, suffer from spiritual blindness when we fail to recognize what is at the heart of Jesus’…

Pastor English speaking church Puerto Rico

Let’s Review This One More Time

Let’s Review This One More Time Pastor Bob Zoba delivers a sermon from Mark 10:35-45.   After being repeatedly taught by Jesus, James and John still don’t get it as they ask Jesus for special places in His kingdom.  What does it mean to be great in the eyes of the Lord?  Are you prepared…

Don’t Go Away Sad

Don’t Go Away Sad Pastor Bob Zoba delivers a sermon based on Mark 10:17-3.  Where your treasure is, there you will find your heart.  The rich young ruler showed humility as he approached Jesus wanting the answer to the often asked question: what must we do to obtain eternal life?  The rich young man’s assumed that by ‘being good’ he had earned his way…