Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Mark 10 about the rich, young ruler. How do you define ‘rich’? The young man desired salvation, yet he was unwilling to give up that which separated Him from God’s kingdom. What about you?
Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Matthew 22:15-22. The Pharisees and the Herodians join forces to try to trick Jesus. They are not match for Him, and He delivers a clear message about the separation of church and state. At the same time, we learn an encouraging message about the benefits of generosity.
On this stewardship Sunday, Pastor Bob Zoba delivers a sermon from 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13. In this epistle to the church at Thessaloniki, Paul addresses idleness which was reported among the members of the congregation. Pastor Zoba challenges us to adopt a right attitude about the work that we do and to do it as unto…
Show Me The Money Pastor Bob Zoba preaches a sermon from Mark 12:38-40 about true discipleship. How would you describe yourself as a disciple of Jesus?
Don’t Go Away Sad Pastor Bob Zoba delivers a sermon based on Mark 10:17-3. Where your treasure is, there you will find your heart. The rich young ruler showed humility as he approached Jesus wanting the answer to the often asked question: what must we do to obtain eternal life? The rich young man’s assumed that by ‘being good’ he had earned his way…