Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Sermons on Salvation (Page 2)

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Do you have what it takes?

Discipleship 101 Is Not An Elective

Discipleship 101 Is Not An Elective Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Luke 14:25-35. To be a true disciple, Jesus requires a relationship that puts Him before all others.  Salvation is free, but it is costly to be a disciple.  Are you prepared to follow Him?

Don’t Go Away Sad

Don’t Go Away Sad Pastor Bob Zoba delivers a sermon based on Mark 10:17-3.  Where your treasure is, there you will find your heart.  The rich young ruler showed humility as he approached Jesus wanting the answer to the often asked question: what must we do to obtain eternal life?  The rich young man’s assumed that by ‘being good’ he had earned his way…