Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Sermons on Love (Page 2)

The Perfect Love of the Incarnate God

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon based on Jeremiah 31:31-34.  Jeremiah prophesied about the new covenant that the Lord would make with the people, The failure of the first covenant was due to the failure of humanity keep God’s perfect law, but Christ incarnates the perfect law through His unconditional forgiveness on the cross. When God…

Dishing Dirt

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon about the parable of the Sower – Jesus’ first parable.  He parallels the soils to the state of our hearts.  Are our heart hearts stubborn? shallow? strangled? or surrendered?  What about you?  Are you open to receiving what God has for you?  Are you listening to His voice?

Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from the ninth chapter of John’s gospel.  As we listen to the story of the miraculous restoration of sight to the man born blind, we must ask ourselves what we do with the light Jesus has given to us.  Though the Pharisees considered themselves to be experts on God and…

Second Union Church Youth Leader Ministry Puerto Rico

Beyond These Walls

Youth Pastor, Gustavo Gonzalez, delivers the Youth Sunday sermon based on Acts 2:41-47.  Why is church attendance in decline among college-aged students? Why is church attendance declining over all?  Streaming church services to view in the comfort of your home? More blended families? the cultural disappearance of guilt? More affluence?  In comparing our church with…

Second Union Church Pastor Zoba

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What’s Love God to Do With It? Pastor Robert Zoba delivers a sermon about the new commandment Jesus gives to His disciples in the Upper Room from John 13:31-35. When previously asked by the Pharisees what the greatest commandment was, Jesus responded that it was love – Love your God with your heart, mind and…