Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Sermons on Kingdom of God

What Does It Mean To Be Blessed

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Luke 6:20-26. To be blessed you need to be rich and satisfied, but rich and satisfied in the Lord rather than the empty riches of this world.

Jesus’ Liberation Theology

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Luke 4:6-30. Jesus came to preach good news to those who are literally poor and spiritually poor by the liberating power of the gospel to convert our selfishness into lives of service.

Attitude Is Everything

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from 2 Corinthians 4:5-12. On this D-Day anniversary, he notes that most historians consider this day to be the decisive moment in the Allies victory in World War II. Yet for the soldiers on the front lines, the battle continued for eleven months until VE Day. This parallels the battle faced daily by Paul and by Christians…

Finite Losses Versus Infinite Gains

Pastor Bob delivers a text from Mark 1:14-20. In life we are always called to make calculated risks. It is a reasonable risk to give up that which we cannot keep to gain that which we cannot lose. (Jim Elliott)

O, The Places We Will Go

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Acts 1:6-14.  Jesus presents the disciples with a paradigm shift in their expectations of the kingdom of God.  They, and we, are to be bright lights shining in this world of darkness.  This quote from C.T. Studd should reflect our desire to reach others for Christ: “The light that…