Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Sermons on Hypocrisy

The 1st Century P.C. Police

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Mark you 7:1-8; 14-23. Although in general tradition gives us strength and cohesiveness, Jesus highlights the fact that if tradition is exalted over the authority of God then we have turned a good thing into idolatry.

Who Was That Masked Man?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Matthew 23:1-12. Jesus condemns the Pharisees for being hypocrites – literally ‘masked men’ because they did not practice what they taught. How often on Sunday mornings, do we wear a mask to disguise our Monday through Saturday actions? We need to remove the masks of hypocrisy as they prevent us from growing to be more like…

The Perfect Love of the Incarnate God

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon based on Jeremiah 31:31-34.  Jeremiah prophesied about the new covenant that the Lord would make with the people, The failure of the first covenant was due to the failure of humanity keep God’s perfect law, but Christ incarnates the perfect law through His unconditional forgiveness on the cross. When God…