Youth Pastor, Gustavo Gonzales, delivers a sermon from Isaiah 6:1-8. His message reminded us that the fire of God’s presence has the power to ignite our passion. Are you ‘on fire’ for the Lord?
Rev. Robert Zoba delivers a sermon based on Luke 9:51-62. Jesus challenges would-be disciples to count the cost of following Jesus who find excuses and reasons to procrastinate. We, as Christ’s disciples, must take a hard look at our lives and determine if we are ready to take up the cross and follow Jesus, or…
On this Pentecost Sunday, Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Acts 2:1-21 and asks us to consider if we are Pentecostal in the sense of being filled with the Holy Spirit. What gifts have you been given through the filling of the Holy Spirit? Are you seeing God act through the Holy Spirit in your…