Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Sermons on Gospel

It’s All Greek To Me

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from the twelfth chapter of John’s gospel,. verses 20-26. When the Gentiles from Galilee approached Philip wanting to meet Jesus, this triggered Jesus’ declaration that His time had come. This also triggered the spreading of the good news to the Gentile world, and the Greek language was the vehicle which would serve God’s purpose. The void that…

Discipleship 102

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Luke 10:1-11 in which Jesus sends out the 70 disciples. This text shows us we have the privilege, the promise, and the power of cooperating with God to proclaim the good news of the gospel about the in-breaking of the kingdom. Christians are the best hope and in a nation where 97% of the people believe…

Law & Gospel

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Galatians 3:23-29 and the ‘fundamentals’ of Christianity. The Law is useful and should drive us into the arms of Jesus – His grace and mercy – where we are co-heirs of the kingdom for eternity. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slavenor free, there is no male and female, for you are all…