Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Matthew 1: 18-25 about the faith of Joseph in light of a very shocking revelation,
Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Matthew 1: 18-25 about the faith of Joseph in light of a very shocking revelation,
Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Luke 23:32-43. The second thief on the cross made one of the most momentous confessions of faith in all the Bible as he recognized that Jesus was the king of king, the Savior of the World and the savior of his sins by His grace and not by works.
Pastor Bob delivers a text from Luke 21:5-19. Jesus warns us the bad news that nothing in this world is permanent as He predicts the destruction of the massive Temple. But He gives us the good news that anything of God is eternal.
Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Luke 20:27-40. Jesus fends off a ‘gotcha’ questions from the Sadducees who claim that a belief in the resurrection is absurd. Jesus proves the resurrection from the Torah itself and will confirm that pronouncement by His own resurrection five days later.
On this Reformation Sunday, Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Luke 18:9-14. The self-righteous Pharisee thought of religion as a competition between mortals, but through the mercy-seeking tax collector, we see that it is a competition against the righteousness of God. Jesus shows us that the only way to win is to admit our weakness and receive His grace. May we humble…
Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Luke 17:11-19 about saving faith.
From Luke 17:1-10, Pastor Bob reminds us that a culture where the sense of entitlement has corrupted our understanding go reality, this passage shows that God doesn’t owe us anything and everything we have is because of His grace.
Hebrews 10:24-25: “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Pastor Bob calls our attention to the need to meet together as the body of Christ as this…
Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Luke 13:10-17. The observation of the Sabbath is a good thing and comes from God as it is one of the ten commandments, but it can also become an onerous observance if wrongly interpreted. In this passage Jesus heals a women on the Sabbath who had suffered for 18 years from an infirmity. He clashes with…