Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Sermons on Matthew (Page 2)

Your God Is Too Wimpy

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Matthew 16:21-28 about a Canaanite woman whose faith and perseverance surprise even Jesus. She was the only one He is recorded as having said “Your faith is great”. This reveals her tenacity and the testing and compassion of Jesus.


Pastor Bob delivers a text from Matthew 14:13-21, the very familiar text where 5,000 people are served a satisfying meal with just five loaves of bread and two fish. The disciples saw a problem that was impossible to solve, because they were focused on themselves and their resources. God uses circumstances in our lives to test us – to see where who…

The Margarita of Great Value

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Matthew 13:44-46 where Jesus tells two parables about things of enormous value that are discovered. Although we may encounter the inestimable gift of God’s love in different ways, our response has to be the same – total commitment to our loving Father.

Give It A Break

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Matthew 11:28-30.  We all carry the burden of stress in our lives, particularly during these times. Our island has had its fair share of adversity in recent years: hurricanes, economic crisis, earthquakes, the coronavirus . . . and what about the Sahara dust that has been plaguing our atmosphere? It all adds up to a lot…

There Is Power In The Blood

In this Holy Week we see the triumph of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and His defeat and rejection on Good Friday, as He took on the virus of human sin and died for that sin. But we know that Friday passes and Sunday is coming! We hope to have the video uploaded later this afternoon.