Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Sermons on Mark (Page 2)

What’s Your Love Level Today?

On this Valentine’s Day Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Mark 9:2-13. The disciples accompany Jesus to the Mount of Transfiguration and have a true mountaintop experience. We, too, need transforming mountaintop experiences with Jesus as well as with our spouses, so that we can grow as Christians and as couples as we navigate the valleys of life.

Who’s the Boss?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Mark 1:21-28. All earthly forms of authority are borrowed from outside sources, but Jesus’ authority is intrinsic to His being the great I am. Therefore, our only reasonable response to His promptings in our life is obedience and a decision to respond, “Here I am Lord, send me”.

Finite Losses Versus Infinite Gains

Pastor Bob delivers a text from Mark 1:14-20. In life we are always called to make calculated risks. It is a reasonable risk to give up that which we cannot keep to gain that which we cannot lose. (Jim Elliott)

Can You Hear Me Now?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Mark 7:31-37 about Jesus’ healing of a man who was deaf and had a speech impediment.  He brings to question our view of miracles and whether or not we believe they still happen today.  Are you open to the miracles that God wants to work in and through your…

Retreat, Refresh & Reignite

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Mark 6:30-34 where Jesus commands and models for his disciples a very important discipline – and that is the disciple of retreat and rest.  It is important to develop rhythms of work and rest for our psychological, physical and spiritual well being.  And our time of retreat must involve time with our shepherd so we can…

The Cross We Bear

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Mark 8:31-38 about the cross and what it represents. Jesus teaches us that we must carry our cross and follow our master.  Jesus faced persecution, suffering and death on the cross, and as His disciples, we can expect the same.  We have a choice to make, will we pick up our cross and follow Jesus?  Or…

If We Had Eyes to See

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Mark 9:2-13 on this Transfiguration Sunday.  The disciples had an incredible mountain-top experience and they wanted to remain on the mountain-top longer as we may desire to do as well.  But we are called to go down to the valley to bring the light of the mountain-top into the darkness.  At times, we may feel as…

Everybody’s Looking For You.

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Mark 1:29-39.  After healing ‘all who were sick” and those who were oppressed by demons, Jesus could have been the center of attention; yet, he withdrew to a desolate place to pray.  The disciples searched for Him and finally found Him to let Him know that ‘everyone is looking for you.’   Is everyone looking for Jesus…