Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Sermons on Mark

Apocalypse Now?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Mark 13:1-19. The ‘little apocalypse’ in Mark 13 reminds us that no one knows the hour or time of Christ’s return, but we can know the season of His return. And with the recent technological developments, the time may be sooner than we think. It’s time to get our lives right with the Lord.

Lessons From A Blind Man

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Mark 10:46-52 about blindness. He points out three types of blindness: Physical blindness, spiritual blindness and willful blindness. May we recognize blindness in our lives, and in faith, turn to Jesus to receive sight.

Can You Hear Me Now?

Pastor Bob preaches a sermon from Mark 7:31-37. Jesus blazes the trail to reach out to the marginalized and handicapped by healing a deaf man. But that miracle is facilitated by friends who bring their friends to meet Jesus. We are called to do the same.

The 1st Century P.C. Police

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Mark you 7:1-8; 14-23. Although in general tradition gives us strength and cohesiveness, Jesus highlights the fact that if tradition is exalted over the authority of God then we have turned a good thing into idolatry.

Old Math, New Math & God’s Math

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Mark’s gospel about the feeding of the 5,000. Jesus takes a seemingly paltry offering of a few fish and a few loaves of bread and offers the gift to the Father who multiplies it, then divides it to feed the multitude. We serve a God who can do this in your life. What can you offer?

We Are The Salvation Army

On this Palm Sunday, Pastor Bob delivers a message from Mark’s gospel. Jesus stages His entry into Jerusalem fulfilling Old Testament prophesy and preparing the way for His Messianic kingdom. His message then and now is unmistakable, the light has come into darkness and we are part of His salvation army. Are you armed for battle?