Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Sermons on Luke (Page 2)

History: Written by the Defeated

How ‘ready’ are you for the new year? Youth Pastor Gustavo Gonzalez delivers a sermon from Luke 24:25-27 and offers us a glimpse into the life of a true Biblical prophet – perhaps far from what you might imagine. God empowered them to bring about repentance and transformation in very unorthodox ways. We all want…

Any more questions?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Luke 20:27-40. Jesus fends off a ‘gotcha’ questions from the Sadducees who claim that a belief in the resurrection is absurd. Jesus proves the resurrection from the Torah itself and will confirm that pronouncement by His own resurrection five days later.

The Tale of Two Sinners

On this Reformation Sunday, Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Luke 18:9-14. The self-righteous Pharisee thought of religion as a competition between mortals, but through the mercy-seeking tax collector, we see that it is a competition against the righteousness of God. Jesus shows us that the only way to win is to admit our weakness and receive His grace. May we humble…

Are You A Sabbatarian?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Luke 13:10-17. The observation of the Sabbath is a good thing and comes from God as it is one of the ten commandments, but it can also become an onerous observance if wrongly interpreted.  In this passage Jesus heals a women on the Sabbath who had suffered for 18 years from an infirmity. He clashes with…

Who’s Side Are You On?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Luke 12:49-53. Jesus’ words about bringing division shouldn’t shock us, but they should sober us. When we accept Christ as our Savior, we are called to follow Him completely which may cause alienation even among family members. Jesus’ teachings are not ambiguous. In a post-modern world of ethical relativism, Jesus is calling us to make a…