Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Sermons on John (Page 4)

Honest Doubt Leads to Honest Faith

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from John 20:19-31 about doubt and faith.  Though Thomas is known as the doubter, he also came to complete faith in Jesus as the Son of God.  Honest doubt is one of the most important tools to make mighty men and women of faith.

Don’t You Hate To Wait?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon about glorifying God from John 11:1-45.  Martha and Mary had waited on Jesus when their brother, Lazarus, became ill.  When Jesus arrived four days after Lazarus had died, they both insinuated that he had waited too long, and that had he arrived earlier, he could have saved Lazarus.  Jesus explained…

Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from the ninth chapter of John’s gospel.  As we listen to the story of the miraculous restoration of sight to the man born blind, we must ask ourselves what we do with the light Jesus has given to us.  Though the Pharisees considered themselves to be experts on God and…

Reverend Robert Zoba

Can You Be Anything But A Born Again Christian?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from 4:1-21.  A Born Again Christian is really an oxymoron, because in these verses, Jesus makes it very clear that being ‘born again’ is a pre-requisite for being a Christian.  Unfortunately, many have come to view this word as negative, in the same way the word ‘evangelical’ can carry a…

Behold, The Lamb of God

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from John 1:29-42 and the significance of John the Baptist’s ministry.   In his famous words, “Behold, the Lamb of God”, John demonstrates the majesty and divinity of Christ as well as the mercy of Christ.  And we are called to live like Christ with a kingdom mentality of abundance!

Second Union Church Pastor Zoba

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What’s Love God to Do With It? Pastor Robert Zoba delivers a sermon about the new commandment Jesus gives to His disciples in the Upper Room from John 13:31-35. When previously asked by the Pharisees what the greatest commandment was, Jesus responded that it was love – Love your God with your heart, mind and…

Second Union Church Pastor Zoba

Let’s Go Fishing

Let’s Go Fishing Pastor Bob Zoba delivers a sermon from John 21:1-19.  Jesus’ love never fails regardless of how you, the believer, fall short.  He is merciful and is there to pick you up and restore you.  It is your decision to trust Him and obey Him and live a life that brings honor and glory to…