Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Sermons on Isaiah

Christmas Cantata 2020

Under the choral direction of Alfonso Román, our choir began practicing this beautiful Cantata in August in the hopes of being able to present it to our congregation ‘live’. It was our hope that the Coronavirus outbreak would have subsided by December, but this was not the case. For the protection of all, the Cantata, arranged by Stan Pethel, was performed in…

Presents versus Presence

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Isaiah 40:1-11. The message of the prophet Isaiah was one of doom and gloom, as he reminded the Israelites of how far they had fallen from God’s standards. Not only were they disobeying God’s commandments and worshiping worthless handmade idols, they were neglecting the poor, the needy, the widows and the orphans. However, in this chapter,…

Mugged By Reality

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Isaiah 6:1-8. He challenges us to reflect upon Isaiah’s response when in a vision He is brought into the very throne room of God. We are to contemplate His holiness, be convicted of our sinfulness and the need for a Savior if we could ever hope to approach God, and then to make a commitment to…

The Voice . . not the TV Show

On this third Sunday in Advent, Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Isaiah 40:1-5; 9-11.  These verses prophesy about John the Baptist who was a voice calling out in the wilderness proclaiming the need to prepare for the coming Messiah.    During this season, as we prepare our hearts for the birth of our Savior, what is our witness?  We are called…

Reverend Robert Zoba

No Jesus, No Peace; Know Jesus, Know Peace

On this second Sunday of Advent, Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Isaiah 11 about the hope of peace.  In this prophetic passage as well as in passages from Isaiah chapters 2, 52, and 59, we learn about the kingdom we have to look forward to – a kingdom of peace and security – brought in…