Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

What’s Missing?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon drawing on Mark 1:40-11 and Acts 19:4-7. As we begin 2021, consider what is missing in your spiritual journey? Is your life displaying the fruit of the Spirit, or are there areas where you sense Christ is calling you to ‘focus on things above’?

History: Written by the Defeated

How ‘ready’ are you for the new year? Youth Pastor Gustavo Gonzalez delivers a sermon from Luke 24:25-27 and offers us a glimpse into the life of a true Biblical prophet – perhaps far from what you might imagine. God empowered them to bring about repentance and transformation in very unorthodox ways. We all want…

Christmas Eve: No Room At The Air BnB

We have included the links to both the sermon and the entire Christmas Eve service. John 1:9-13: and Luke 2:1-7 are the texts for this special Christmas Eve sermon. There was no place at the ‘inn’ on this Christmas Eve over 2,000 years ago. Is there room in your heart for the Christ child?

Christmas Cantata 2020

Under the choral direction of Alfonso Román, our choir began practicing this beautiful Cantata in August in the hopes of being able to present it to our congregation ‘live’. It was our hope that the Coronavirus outbreak would have subsided by December, but this was not the case. For the protection of all, the Cantata, arranged by Stan Pethel, was performed in…

Presents versus Presence

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Isaiah 40:1-11. The message of the prophet Isaiah was one of doom and gloom, as he reminded the Israelites of how far they had fallen from God’s standards. Not only were they disobeying God’s commandments and worshiping worthless handmade idols, they were neglecting the poor, the needy, the widows and the orphans. However, in this chapter,…

To Be Thankful You Need To Be ‘Thinkful’

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Ephesians 1:15-23. Gratitude is a memory of the heart, gratitude is grounded in God and gratitude is the parent of all virtue. May we give thanks to God each day – and especially on Thanksgiving.

Render Unto God That Which Is God’s

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Matthew 25:13-40 – the Parable of the Talents. Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can.  When we give back a portion of what we receive to God, He will bless that for His kingdom in amazing ways. Please note: there is a momentary loss of audio during the sermon, please be…