Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am
Pastor English speaking church Puerto Rico

Problem Solving 101

Problem Solving 101 Pastor Bob Zoba delivers a sermon about relying and trusting Jesus for our problems from John 6:1-15. Jesus presents the disciples with the dilemma of feeding the 5,000 and rather than look to Him for guidance, they immediately revert to their own ability (or inability).  How often do we do the same?

Pastor English speaking church Puerto Rico

A Question of Balance

A Question of Balance Mark 6:30-34 / Proverbs 6:4-11 Through these passages in the gospel of Mark and Proverbs 6:4-11; Pastor Bob Zoba discusses the Biblical perspective on hard work and restorative leisure. Hard work is commendable and slothfulness is condemned, yet rest is commanded by God. The disciples after having spread the good news…

Second Union Church pastor

What Made Paul Tick?

What Made Paul Tick? Pastor Bob Zoba delivers a sermon based on 2 Corinthians 4:7-16 The apostle Paul was beaten, abused, scorned, chased out of cities, yet in each occasion he picked himself up and persevered.  What made Paul tick?  How do difficulties, challenges, persecution and disdain from others affect your walk?  Are you discouraged,…

That’s a Good Question

This morning we welcome Rev. Garth Thompson to the pulpit.  Rev. Thompson was a pastor for many years at Union Church in Puntas Las Marías.  As a part of our 50th Jubilee Anniversary Celebration, Rev. Thompson has graciously accepted our invitation to preach.    His sermon title, “That’s a Good Question,” is based on the Old Testament scripture Isaiah 6:1-8.  God calls…