Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Don’t You Hate To Wait?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon about glorifying God from John 11:1-45.  Martha and Mary had waited on Jesus when their brother, Lazarus, became ill.  When Jesus arrived four days after Lazarus had died, they both insinuated that he had waited too long, and that had he arrived earlier, he could have saved Lazarus.  Jesus explained…

Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from the ninth chapter of John’s gospel.  As we listen to the story of the miraculous restoration of sight to the man born blind, we must ask ourselves what we do with the light Jesus has given to us.  Though the Pharisees considered themselves to be experts on God and…

Reverend Robert Zoba

Can You Be Anything But A Born Again Christian?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from 4:1-21.  A Born Again Christian is really an oxymoron, because in these verses, Jesus makes it very clear that being ‘born again’ is a pre-requisite for being a Christian.  Unfortunately, many have come to view this word as negative, in the same way the word ‘evangelical’ can carry a…

Rumble In the Jungle

As we enter into the season of Lent, Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Matthew 4:1-11 recounting Satan’s temptation of Jesus in the wilderness.  The enemy recognizes our drive for comfort, control and significance, and those are key areas in which he seeks to tempt us.  By keeping our eyes fully fixed on our Savior, we…

Faith-Based Rehab 61 AD

Visiting pastor from Teen Challenge, Puerto Rico, Dr. Rodney Hart, delivered a sermon from the book of Philemon.  As the director of Teen Challenge in Boston and  in Puerto Rico and his 42 years of affiliation with this wonderful ministry, he provided a sincere perspective of the runaway slave seeking rehabilitation and restoration.

Reverend Robert Zoba

Building According to Code

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from 1 Corinthians 3:10-23. These verses provide good news and potentially bad news about eternity for the believer.  Our salvation is guaranteed, but what sincere non-reward seeking works will we bring with us when we meet our King and judge?  “Good works won’t carry us into heaven, but they will…

Pro Choice: Pro Life

Pastor Bob Zoba delivers a sermon from Deuteronomy 30:15-20 where we are instructed to choose life – which is clear evidence of God’s gift of free will.  We have to make a choice – neutrality is not an option.  The decision not to decide is a decision.  Have you made the decision to choose Jesus?

It’s All About Who You Know

Gustavo Gonzalez, our youth pastor, delivers a sermon based on Acts 19:11-20.   In the city of Ephesus, Paul displayed his reliance on Jesus healing many and performing miracles. The seven sons of Sceva, a prominent Jewish priest, tried to take advantage of this success by trying to exorcise evil spirits in a similar fashion.   They did not know Jesus, and the result of…