Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Whatever It Takes

Youth Pastor, Gustavo Gonzalez delivers a message from Mark 2:1-5   Are you willing to do whatever it takes to bring others to Christ?  Your friends? Your children? Your co-workers?  The friends in the gospel lesson were willing to risk financial resources, public humiliation and their own status and reputation to bring their paralyzed friend…

Surprised by Persecution?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from one of Jesus’ most sobering passages from Matthew 10:26-33.  After Jesus tells the disciples not to be anxious, He reminds them of their true value which comes from God who created them in His image and is the One who can save their souls.   He also warns them that…

Evangelism Practicum

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Matthew 9:35-38.  In Jesus’s second discourse, he prepares the disciples for His vision and their mission. As a church we need to recognize our primary focus should not be on the legalism of religion rather the relationship of love with Jesus our Lord and Savior. He encourages and exhorts…

We Are All Theologians

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Matthew 28:16-20. As Christians we understand God as one essence and three persons: he Creator God, the Father reveals His power and righteousness; whereas Jesus who was fully God and fully man shows us the compassionate heart of God; and the Holy Spirit is the ever present power of…

O, The Places We Will Go

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Acts 1:6-14.  Jesus presents the disciples with a paradigm shift in their expectations of the kingdom of God.  They, and we, are to be bright lights shining in this world of darkness.  This quote from C.T. Studd should reflect our desire to reach others for Christ: “The light that…

A Model Church

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Act 2:42-47 about the early church – our model church: a praying church, a fellowshipping church, a church devoted to studying and applying God’s Word, and a giving church.  If our church does not measure up to that criteria, then it is nothing more than a social club.

A Model Sermon

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon based on Peter’s first sermon from Acts 2: 4a, 36-41.  Peter’s sermon comprised the elements of a perfect sermon: and on-fire delivery, based upon the authority of God’s Word and filled with conviction which leads to repentance and acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior.  Pastor Bob reminds us that the…

Honest Doubt Leads to Honest Faith

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from John 20:19-31 about doubt and faith.  Though Thomas is known as the doubter, he also came to complete faith in Jesus as the Son of God.  Honest doubt is one of the most important tools to make mighty men and women of faith.