Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Second Union Church of Puerto Rico (Page 26)

Second Union Church Pastor Zoba

There Is Something About Martha

Pastor Bob Zoba delivers a sermon from Luke 10:38-42.  For Christians there is a need to balance service and activity for the Kingdom with study, prayer and worship of the King.  What about your life?  Are you distracted, anxious and worried?  Are you spending time at Jesus’ feet?  Perhaps this balance will provide you with…

Reverend Robert Zoba

People Need the Lord

Pastor Zoba delivers a sermon from Luke 10:1-20.  Jesus sends out the disciples to make disciples for the harvest is ripe.  What does that message mean to today’s disciples?  We are called to be disciples and then to make disciples.  Which harvest has God provided for you? Your spouse? Your children? Your extended family? Your…

Second Union Church Pastor Zoba

Let’s Kick Some ‘Buts’

Rev. Robert Zoba delivers a sermon based on Luke 9:51-62. Jesus challenges would-be disciples to count the cost of following Jesus who find excuses and reasons to procrastinate. We, as Christ’s disciples, must take a hard look at our lives and determine if we are ready to take up the cross and follow Jesus, or…

Reverend Robert Zoba

Children of God

Pastor Bob Zoba delivers a sermon from Galatians 3:23-29. God’s grace is sufficient and if we belong to Christ we are heirs to the throne and our salvation is guaranteed.  Why revert to a doctrine of works-based attempts to enter the kingdom?  As Pastor Bob points out a diagnostician is crucial in determining our physical…

Reverend Robert Zoba

Looking Beyond Stereotypes

Pastor Bob Zoba delivers a sermon about forgiveness and faith based on Luke 7:36-50.  This familiar story of the woman who washes the feet of Jesus with her tears is a powerful lesson on the need to look beyond outward appearances and examine the state of our hearts.  Through the amazing and saving grace of…

Second Union Church Pastor Zoba

A Little Can Lead To A Lot

Pastor Bob Zoba delivers a sermon based on the Old Testament scripture; 1 Kings 17:8-16. The widow of Zarapheth demonstrates her trust in God when the prophet Elijah asks her to give her the very last bit of food she has for herself and her son.  God proves to be faithful in providing abundantly because…

Second Union Church Pastor Zoba

Are You (A) Pentecostal?

On this Pentecost Sunday, Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Acts 2:1-21 and asks us to consider if we are Pentecostal in the sense of being filled with the Holy Spirit.  What gifts have you been given through the filling of the Holy Spirit?  Are you seeing God act through the Holy Spirit in your…