Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Second Union Church of Puerto Rico (Page 18)

Earn. Save. Give.

Earn all you can? Is that Biblical? Pastor Bob delivers the first of a two part series from1 Kings 3:5-14.  He refers to John Wesley’s sermon whose three points were precisely these: earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can.  Wealth, in and of itself, is not a problem, it is the love of money that is the…

Mark 10:17-30

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Mark 10:17-30 about the rich, young ruler anxious to assure his place in heaven.  He was unable to sell his possessions and follow Jesus.  What a difficult teaching, but we must realize that when we tithe we are not giving our money away, we are investing in God’s kingdom for His purposes – after all, everything…

Youth Is Not Wasted on the Young

On this Youth Sunday, Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Ecclesiastes 12:1.  A call to youth to seek God while they are young realizing that life is tenuous, early patterns become fixed courses and if you wait to accept Christ as your Savior, you will have missed out on His blessings.  But it’s never too late to give your whole life to…

Adam Was Not An Evolutionist

Adam Was Not An Evolutionist – he was created in the image of God the Father.  Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Genesis 2:17-25.  Adam recognized immediately that Eve was not an incremental evolutionary advancement, but a quantum leap from the animal kingdom. We need to celebrate the reality that humans are made in God’s image, and this is the basis of…

Paradoxical Path to Success

In today’s sermon, Pastor Bob delivers a sermon featuring another paradox that Jesus presented from Mark 9:33-37.  As the disciples argued about who would be greatest in the kingdom, Jesus taught that to be great in the kingdom of God, we must humble ourselves and be a servant to all.  It is only through our humility and obedience that we can be…

Can You Hear Me Now?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Mark 7:31-37 about Jesus’ healing of a man who was deaf and had a speech impediment.  He brings to question our view of miracles and whether or not we believe they still happen today.  Are you open to the miracles that God wants to work in and through your…

Walk In Wisdom

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians 5:15-20 about living wisely and seeking that which brings true satisfaction.  So many today are in search of happiness and meaning, but they are looking to that which the world offers.  Their search usually results in disappointment and meaninglessness, as they are trying to…

Did that really come out of my mouth?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Ephesians 4:30-5:2 about anger and forgiveness.  In a society that focuses so much on what goes into our mouths, yet people are so oblivious as to what comes out of our mouths.  Out of your heart speaks the mouth, so what is in your heart?  You have the opportunity…

The Bread of Heaven

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from John 6:24-35.  Jesus provided bread for the 5,000 which led to the crowd to desire to proclaim Jesus as king, Yet Jesus recognized their motive was material rather than spiritual.  They were settling for something far less than what He was offering.  How are we often seeking cheap substitutes when we have the promise of the…