Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Second Union Church of Puerto Rico (Page 10)

Should We Pay Taxes?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Matthew 22:15-22. The Pharisees and the Herodians join forces to try to trick Jesus. They are not match for Him, and He delivers a clear message about the separation of church and state. At the same time, we learn an encouraging message about the benefits of generosity.

What Are You Aiming At?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Philippians 3:4-14 which causes us to consider the goals we set for ourselves and what we are doing to attain them. He quotes Zig Ziglar’s admonition: ““If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time.” We know that setting goals is critical to success in whatever endeavor we undertake. But what spiritual goals are…

Starting Well Is Good: Ending Well Is Better

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Matthew 21:23-32, the Parable of the Two Sons. The sons in this parable parallel the sons in the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Which son are you? Do you seek justice or do you desire mercy?

What Is Your Complaint Quotient?

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Exodus 16:1-20. The Israelites serve as an example to us as in terms of trusting God and having the proper perspective on life. After witnessing God’s mighty acts, within just weeks, they are complaining and failing to trust God to provide for their needs. What about you?

Above and Beyond

Our Youth Leader, Gustavo Gonzalez delivers a sermon from Matthew 18:21-35. Jesus commands Peter to forgive a brother or sister who sins against him not seven times but seventy seven times. When we sin, we seek God’s mercy, but what about when someone sins against us? We often seek justice rather than offer forgiveness as…

A Thing Called Love

Pastor Bob delivered a sermon from Romans 12:9-21 about that thing we call love – agape love. But what does ‘love’ have to do with our righteousness? Paul’s message teaches us that our righteousness springs from a relationship of love that is genuine, tough and that trusts that love will ultimately triumph over evil. Due to a sub-optimal internet connection, the first…

Where’s The Best Place To Live?

Romans 12:1-2 encourages us to live a life conformed to God’s will rather than to the will of our culture. Pastor Bob points out the key is obedience and living in the will of God, as opposed to trying adapt the will of God to our will. What about you? Are you trying to get God’s will to align with your will,…

Your God Is Too Wimpy

Pastor Bob delivers a sermon from Matthew 16:21-28 about a Canaanite woman whose faith and perseverance surprise even Jesus. She was the only one He is recorded as having said “Your faith is great”. This reveals her tenacity and the testing and compassion of Jesus.