Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Saturday 12- October Jeremiah15-16; Ps 119:89-96; Rev 4

Jeremiah 15: Who are the destroyers that God would appoint over the Israelites?

Jeremiah 16: What surprising command did God give to Jeremiah?

Revelation 4: What vision did John receive?

Journal Prompt: After reading Revelation 4, how do your thoughts of heaven differ from John’s vision? Do you often think about heaven? Take some time to write about this today.


Jeremiah 15: The swords, dogs, birds and wild animals would be the destroyers God will appoint over the Israelites.

Jeremiah 16: God told Jeremiah not to marry or have children, nor was he to eat at a funeral or a banquet.

Revelation 4:  John was given a vision of the throne room of God – God who is supernatural is surrounded by living creatures who bring him honor and praise. When they do that the 24 elders who are seated in thrones surrounding God’s throne fall down before him, they cast their thrones at the feet of God.  There are many similarities between what John witnessed and what Ezekiel saw in his vision. (I strongly suggest you read Ezekiel 1!)


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