Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Saturday, June 15

Saturday 15-June 1 Chronicles 13-15; Ps 76; 1 Corinthians 7

1 Chronicles 13: How far south did the kingdom of Israel reach?  What happened when the ark was on its way to Jerusalem?  Who was to blame?

1 Chronicles 14: How did David and his army defeat the Philistines in this chapter?

1 Chronicles 15: How was the ark finally transported to Jerusalem? Where was its resting place? Why was David’s first wife’s reaction to the procession bringing the ark?

1 Corinthians 7: According to Paul, why are married men anxious?

Journal Prompt: In 1st Chronicles 14, we read that prior to going to battle (twice), David consulted God. God’s commands were very different, but both resulted in victory for the Israelites. What battle are you facing? Have you consulted God and how has He answered you?


1 Chronicles 13:  The kingdom extended to the Nile River in Egypt.  The ark was put on a cart.  God had commanded that the ark be transported by poles carried by Levites.  At one point along the way, the ark almost fell off the cart, Uzzah tried to steady it. He was killed for having touched it.  It seems harsh, but this was (in my opinion) David and the chief priests fault for not following God’s commands.

1 Chronicles 14: David inquired of God and for the first battle and the Lord told David that he would conquer the enemy which he did.  The second time the Philistines raided, David again inquired of God and was told to do directly into battle but to await the sound of the balsam tree leaves (which to the Philistines sounded like an army) and then to attack them from behind, which David and his army did and were again successful..

1 Chronicles 15:  The ark was transported on the shoulders of the Levites (v. 15).  David built a tent for it in Jerusalem. Michal, Saul’s daughter, David’s first wife was disgusted because David was undignified – scantily dressed and dancing.

1 Corinthians 7: According to Paul, married men are anxious because they try to please their wives which is a worldly thing. (I find this interesting, because there are probably a lot of wives who would not necessarily agree that their husbands are anxious because they are trying to please them!)


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