Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Saturday 27-July Isaiah 8; Psalm 91; Philippians 2

Isaiah 8: What was Isaiah commanded to do?

Philippians 2: What should we be to the world? How?

Journal Prompt: How do you work out your faith with fear and trembling?


Isaiah 8: Isaiah was commanded to write this name on a tablet “Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz

 “which means “speed to the spoil, hurry to the plunder.” This was a part of a prophecy that the Assyrians would attack Jerusalem.

Philippians 2:   We should be shine as lights in the darkness – holding tight to the word of Christ.  We will be an example to those around us and a blessing.

Journal Prompt:  How do you work out your own salvation? What does the next verse explain about this?

God who works in you. “Grace all-sufficient dwells in you, believer. There is a living well within you springing up; use the bucket, then; keep on drawing; you will never exhaust it; there is a living source within.” (Spurgeon)


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