Saturday | 20-July | Isaiah 2; Ps 89:1-26 Ephesians 2 |
Isaiah 2: How will the mountain of the Lord’s house established? What are the rocks and caves that people will hide in?
Ephesians 2: When were we made alive in Christ? Why were we made alive in Christ? In verse 14 “has made us both one” who is ‘us’?
Journal Prompt: Reread Ephesians 2 out loud. Write a letter of gratitude to Jesus for what He did for you.
Israel 2: In the ‘latter days’ (the days of the Messiah), the mountain of the Lord will be lifted up ‘above the hills’. The “rocks and caves” will be figurative ways that the people will hide from God’s wrath.
Ephesians 2: We were made alive in Christ while we were still sinners. We were made alive in Christ because, “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us” (v. 4)
In verse 14, ‘us’ refers to the Gentiles and the Jews.