Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Monday March 9, 2020

Numbers 12-14; Psalm 28; Colossians 2

Numbers 12: Why did Miriam and Aaron oppose Moses?

Numbers 13: How many men were went on the reconnaissance mission?

Numbers 14: Why did the people rebel?  How did Moses negotiate with God?

Colossians 2: What is the mystery of God? How did God make us alive together with Christ according to this chapter?  What does Paul warn against in this chapter?

Journal Prompt: Read Numbers 14:5-8.  Write about the rebellion you face and how you deal with it?

Numbers 12:  Miriam and Aaron opposed Moses because he had a wife with dark skin – someone who was not an Israelite.  They were probably also jealous of Moses.  It’s interesting that Aaron was not afflicted with leprosy – only Miriam.

Numbers 13: Twelve ;men were sent – one from each tribe – to bring back a report about the Promised land.  Only Joshua and Caleb wanted to take possession of the land.

Numbers 14 The people rebelled because of the report from the 10 representatives.  “The land we explored devours those living in it, etc. (Numbers 13:32-25)  Moses negotiated with God by reminding Him that the Egyptians would hear about it and would say that the God of the Israelites was not able to bring them to the land of promise.  Moses also challenged God to display his strength and he reminded Him of His words “slow to anger, abounding love and forgiving sin and rebellion.”  He restates the character of God and reminds God of His promises.

Colossians 2: Paul alerts them to remain steadfast and to abound in thanksgiving. He warns them about people who may try to persuade them that there is secret or hidden knowledge necessary. (v. 4 & 8)


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