Interdenominational Worship Sundays at 10am

Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday 25- March Deut 29-30 Eccl 3:1-8 John 1

Deuteronomy 29 & 30:  What two choices does God (and Moses) propose to the Israelites? What does the Lord take delight in?

John 1:  Where was John the Baptist’s base?  Who else lived there? What was the purpose of John’s ministry? How was everything created?  Where did Jesus’ ministry begin and who were His first disciples?

Journal Prompt:  The Ecclesiastes passage reminds us that there is a season for everything. What season are you in right now?


Deuteronomy 29 & 30:  The Israelites can choose to be blessed or to be cursed.  The choice is simple, they choose to walk according to God’s Law and receive blessing or they can turn away from God and be cursed.  They can choose life and good or death and evil. (v. 15)

The Lord takes delight in prospering His people when they follow His statutes and when they turn to the Lord with all their heart and with all their soul. (v. 9-10)

John 1: All things were created through the Word – Jesus is the Word – God made flesh.

John the Baptist was based in Bethany – the home of Martha, Mary and Lazarus.

The purpose of John’s ministry was that Jesus might be revealed to Israel. (v. 31)

Jesus began his ministry when at Bethany where He was baptized by John. Two of John’s disciples followed him (one was Andrew) and then Andrew brought Simon Peter. They went to Galilee and Philip and Nathanael joined them.


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